- Living the lives
we choose - Living the lives
we choose - Living the lives
we choose
Peer-to-peer supports in multicultural communities
We’re a user-led disability support organisation, run by and for people with disability from diverse backgrounds with the support of families and allies.
We assist people to live the lives they choose. We are an independent, collective voice committed to diversity and full inclusion.
How can we support you?

Regular events
- CALD Peer Cafe
- Young Adults Peer Cafe
- Peer Cafe for Peers from Khmer Backgrounds
- Women’s Peer Cafe
- Peer Cafe for Peers from Vietnamese Backgrounds
- Peer Cafe for Peers from Korean Backgrounds
- CALDeaf Peer Network
- Chinese Disability Peer Support Group
- Eastern Suburbs Peer Cafe
- Social Change Action Group
What our peers say...
“It was great to be part of the research and see other organisations doing peer support. It just shows me peer support works no matter who you are or where you come from.”
“The MiAccess website introduces people seeking information about understanding the NDIS and how it works, while the social model resource will assist in people’s understanding of disability under the Australian system. It was great to have the opportunity to be part of this important work as a peer, as a lived experience expert.”
“Providing feedback and sharing experience is a catalyst for change, and being part of this piece of work with DDAlliance ensures that my experience will make a difference.”
“I joined this research project and I have made lots of friends. We have a very good team, and we support each other and learn a lot from each other”
“Being able to facilitate a fellow peer’s circle and supporting them to monitor their progress towards achieving their own goals was a highlight in being involved in the Circles Widen project.”
“I enjoyed all the sessions of Peer Mentoring Training, as I got the chance to meet friendly facilitators and peers; and came to learn and practice new themes that helped for flexibly strengthening my skills. We don’t have to be successful always to be happy. To make a difference in someone’s life, we just have to care and be kind to reach the desired happiness”.
“The NSW Learning Hub has given me the opportunity to share my experiences, stories and knowledge. I’ve also enjoyed learning new skills as a peer leader, and building ties and connecting with other peers from CDAH.”
“I feel happy and not lonely. I have more friends who can share my happiness as well my issues with and we can support each other. I now know where and who I can share my experience and my knowledge with.”
“We shared lots of information during the pandemic. Everyone gets involved and wants to say something. It’s a good experience to be together as women with disability.
When I’m with a peer, we understand each more because we have been through similar experiences.”
Useful links for Coronavirus
Here are some useful resources to help you stay informed about the
coronavirus; including some ways that you can protect yourself:
- DDAlliance Useful Resources on COVID-19 related Issues (PDF) download
- DDAlliance Useful Resources on COVID-19 related Issues (text only) download
- Department of Health (Written) Resources
www.health.gov.au/resources/translated - Department of Health (Video)
- SBS (Written Resources and Videos)
- Council for intellectual Disability Easy Read Resources
- World Health Organisation
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