Abrahim Darouiche
Abrahim, also known as Ibby, is a Peer Facilitator for numerous cafes at Diversity and Disability Alliance.
He is passionate about promoting accessibility and inclusion for all people with disability. He would like to see people with disability from diverse backgrounds feel included and connected with their community.
Since being with DDAlliance, Ibby has connected with a lot of peers, developed new skills and has improved on his skills. Skills which include facilitation skills, communication skills, networking skills, mentoring skills and confidence
In other parts of his life, Ibby works as an account manager in an organisation within his local community. He also volunteers as a podcaster for a charity organisation. He has served as a member of the Board for Diversity and Disability Alliance, as the secretary, treasurer and also, the President.
Ibby enjoys doing crosswords, drawing, sudoku and playing trivia.